Jackass Wiki
Opening Sequence
Jackass 3D Opening
The guys entering the studio.
Jackass Stunt
Movie Jackass 3D
Featuring Dave England, Ehren Mcghehey, Wee Man, Bam Margera, Ryan Dunn, Steve-O, Party Boy, Preston Lacy, Johnny Knoxville
Related stunts Opening sequence (Jackass Number Two)
Video releases Jackass 3 (extended edition)
Song Twisted Sister - The Kids Are Back

The main cast enter a studio all dressed up in different costumes, and stand in front of a gigantic rainbow background with nine colours to align with the nine cast members. They then each do a different slow-motion stunt which correlates to their costume as "The Kids Are Back" by Twisted Sister plays and the opening credits roll.


As the costumed crew step into an all-white studio in slow-motion, heavenly music plays. Knoxville hits Wee Man in the nuts and bows, and Dunn shoves Bam to which he pouts and pretends to throw a tantrum and his costume jingles. Some high fives are also exchanged. The opening rift of "Corona" by the Minutemen plays, and the film's title, "Jackass 3D" appears onscreen. Then, the following slow-motion stunts occur as "The Kids Are Back" by Twisted Sister begins.

The Sailor[]

Knoxville is dressed in sailor suit. He opens up the show with the traditional "Hi, I'm Johnny Knoxville. Welcome to Jackass," before an airbag with "3D" printed on the side hits him in the face in slow-motion.

Party Boy[]

Chris Pontius is in his role as Party Boy, wearing his signature thong and bow-tie. He is dancing with streamers and gets hit from behind by an enormous hand.

Dave England[]

Dave, wearing a colourful nerdy polo shirt and shorts, jumps in the air and gets hit in the face and legs by big boxing gloves on sticks while various sports balls fly in.

The Pirate[]

Preston is dressed as a shirtless pirate, and gets shot in the tummy with a large cannonball. In the background are Loomis, Knoxville and Pontius also playing pirates.

The Fisherman[]

Wee-Man is dressed as a fisherman, and gets hit in the face and belly with large fish by Knoxville and Bam, who are also dressed as fishermen. Then, fellow fisherman Ryan dumps a bucket of smaller fish over his head.

The Angel[]

Steve-O is in a room where a "party" is going on with Wee-Man and Pontius. There's presents, cake on the table and a fan hanging from the ceiling. Steve-O gets launched into the fan from a springboard and slams on the table, breaking it as confetti flies everywhere.

The Piñata[]

Bam is dressed up as a cupcake piñata and gets whacked by a giant foam bat while April and Phil shake maracas and play ukulele in the background, dressed as stereotypical Mexicans. Confetti flies around as the piñata gets smashed, while other cupcake piñatas are thrown around.

Marching Band[]

Ryan is playing the trumpet, dressed up as if he's in a marching band. Steve-O is behind him in matching attire playing the trombone. Ryan gets a balloon full of red paint thrown at the back of his head while simultaneously gets double-flying kicked in the face by Dave.

The Cheetah[]

Ehren, wearing only cheetah print underwear and a cheetah print hat, gets shot with paintball guns by Bam, and Spike who leaps into shot behind them.


  • The stunts in the opening sequence are mostly based on stunts which appear in the movie.
  • The rainbow iconography is in reference to the Dickhouse logo, which is a rainbow, as well as the popularity of Jackass within the LGBTQ+ community and the homoerotic nature of the Jackass cast.
  • The rainbow iconography would later be revisited in Jackass 4.5. Conversely, most of the original cast retained their respective rainbow colour for this intro as their jumpsuit colour for the intro of 4.5. For instance, Knoxville wears pink, Steve-O wears red, Wee-Man wears orange, etc. Other members' colours were changed to accommodate the new members featured in Jackass Forever.